“Lo que se Aprende en los Mejores MBA del Mundo” "What you learn in the best MBA in the world" - El blog de ESERP

“Lo que se Aprende en los Mejores MBA del Mundo” «What you learn in the best MBA in the world»

14 junio 2012

El nuevo libro de la colección más vendida en habla hispana sobre MBA’s (Editorial Gestión 2000, Grupo Planeta) es dirigida por el Prof. Francisco Javier Garrido, quien ha trabajado para esta nueva obra con los profesores Robert S. Kaplan (Harvard Business School) y Henry Mintzberg (McGill University), entre otros. Esta colección que ya cuenta con tres volúmenes (se distribuye con gran éxito en 48 países) y ha sido dedicada en esta tercera entrega a las mejores escuelas del mundo. De tal forma, el Prof. Garrido ha trabajado con los profesores más representativos de Harvard Business School, McGill University, IESE Business School, UCLA-Anderson School of Business, Wharton, Stafordshire, IMD School of Business, Hass School of Business (Berkeley), MIT School of Business, ESERP School of Business &Social Sciences, University of Miami School of Business, Maastricht School of Business, Executive Business School, Babson College, Stanford Graduate School of Business y colaboradores. Este trabajo estará disponible en librerías de 48 países a partir de este mes y será presentado en Europa en Julio y Septiembre de 2012.

Los Mejores MBA del MundoThe new book by the best-selling collection in spanish language about MBA’s (Editorial management 2000, Grupo Planeta) directed by Prof. Francisco Javier Garrido, who has worked for this new work with professors Robert S. Kaplan (Harvard Business School) and Henry Mintzberg (McGill University), among others. This collection which already counts with three volumes (distributed with great success in 48 countries) and has been dedicated in this third installment to the best schools in the world. So, Prof. Garrido has worked with the more representative teachers of Harvard Business School, McGill University, IESE Business School, UCLA Anderson School of Business, Wharton, Stafordshire, IMD School of Business, Hass School of Business (Berkeley), MIT School of Business, ESERP School of Business & Social Sciences, University of Miami School of Business, Maastricht School of Business, Executive Business School, Babson CollegeStanford Graduate School of Business and collaborators. This work will be available in bookstores from 48 countries from this month and will be presented in Europe in July and September 2012.
Los Mejores MBA del Mundo