El Emmo. y Rvdmo. Sr. Joan Enric Vives Sicília, Obispo de Urgell y Copríncipe de Andorra y el Director General de ESERP Business School departen en la solemne ceremonia de la Reial Acadèmia de DoctorsMost Reverend Mr. Joan Enric Vives Sicília, bishop of Urgell and Co-Prince of Andorra and the General Manager of ESERP Business School speak in the solemn ceremony of the Royal Academy of Doctors - El blog de ESERP

El Emmo. y Rvdmo. Sr. Joan Enric Vives Sicília, Obispo de Urgell y Copríncipe de Andorra y el Director General de ESERP Business School departen en la solemne ceremonia de la Reial Acadèmia de DoctorsMost Reverend Mr. Joan Enric Vives Sicília, bishop of Urgell and Co-Prince of Andorra and the General Manager of ESERP Business School speak in the solemn ceremony of the Royal Academy of Doctors

17 diciembre 2013

Rvdmo. Sr. Joan Enric Vives SicíliaEl Director General de ESERP Business School, escuela en la que se imparten Grados y Másteres oficiales, departió con el Emmo. y Rvdmo. Sr. Joan Enric Víves Sicília, Obispo titular de la Diócesis de Urgell y Copríncipe y Jefe de Estado de Andorra, en la solemne ceremonia celebrada en el Aula Magna del Seminario Conciliar de Barcelona con motivo del ingreso en la Reial Acadèmia de Doctor del Académico Numerario, el Excmo. Sr. Dr. Armando Puig Tàrrech.

Rvdmo. Sr. Joan Enric Vives SicíliaThe General Manager of ESERP Business School, School where to study Official Masters and Official degrees, spoke with Most Reverend Mr. Joan Enric Víves Sicília, bishop of the Dioceses of Urgell and Co-Prince and Head of State of Andorra Obispo, along the solemn ceremony celebrated in the Aula Magna of Council Seminary of Barcelona, due to the entrance in the Royal Academy of Doctors of the academician, his Excellency Dr. Mr. Armando Puig Tàrrech.

El Emmo. y Rvdmo. Sr. Joan Enric Víves Sicília es hombre de letras, filosofía y teología que lleva años ejerciendo al servicio de la paz y la solidaridad.

The Most Reverend Mr. Joan Enric Víves Sicília, a man of philosophy, theology and humanities that has been working in service of peace and solidarity.