Gran asistencia de público durante la conferencia celebrada en ESERP Barcelona: “LEADERSHIP: VIEWPOINT FROM TOP LEADERS“del profesor Jan H. Melsen de BélgicaGreat public attendance at the conference “LEADERSHIP: VIEWPOINT FROM TOP LEADERS” by the Professor Jan H. Melsen from Belgium, celebrated in ESERP Barcelona - El blog de ESERP

Gran asistencia de público durante la conferencia celebrada en ESERP Barcelona: “LEADERSHIP: VIEWPOINT FROM TOP LEADERS“del profesor Jan H. Melsen de BélgicaGreat public attendance at the conference “LEADERSHIP: VIEWPOINT FROM TOP LEADERS” by the Professor Jan H. Melsen from Belgium, celebrated in ESERP Barcelona

20 febrero 2013

El pasado día 29 de Enero se celebró en la sede de Barcelona una conferencia por título “LEADERSHIP: VIEWPOINT FROM TOP LEADERS“ del profesor Jan H. Melsen de la escuela European Communicaction School de la sede de Bélgica. Jan H. Melsen está considerado en la actualidad como uno de los gurús europeos en el campo de las Habilidades Directivas y Liderazgo. A la finalización de la conferencia la junta académica de ESERP concedió el título de profesor invitado que fue entregado al profesor Jan H. Melsen (foto de la izquierda) por el Director de la Business School de ESERP (foto de la derecha), el profesor D. Ferran Josep Huertas, Dr.h.c.

Last 29th of January was celebrated in the facilities of ESERP Barcelona a conference entitled “Leadership: Viewpoint from leaders”, given by the Professor Jan H. Melsen from the Belgium Branch of the European Communication School. Mr. Jan H. Melsen is considered nowadays one of the European gurus about management skills and leadership. Once the conference ended, the ESERP’s academic board gave the title of invited professor to Mr. Melsen (as you can see at the picture on the left), the Professor Mr. Ferran Josep Huertas, Dr.h.c (ESERP’S Business School Manager), was the responsible to handed the title (as you can see at the picture on the right).