Mariano Rajoy, Honorary Degree de ESERP, elegido Presidente del paísHonorary Degree of ESERP, Mariano Rajoy elected president of Spain - El blog de ESERP

Mariano Rajoy, Honorary Degree de ESERP, elegido Presidente del paísHonorary Degree of ESERP, Mariano Rajoy elected president of Spain

12 diciembre 2011

Mariano Rajoy, Honorary Degree de ESERP Barcelona School of Business and Social Sciences,  Resultó elegido Presidente en las Elecciones Generales de 20 de Noviembre de 2011.

Desde ESERP Barcelona School of Business and Social Sciences felicitamos al Excmo. Sr. D. Mariano Rajoy por su reciente elección como próximo Presidente del Gobierno de España, en las Elecciones Generales del pasado domingo, 20 de noviembre. Esta Escuela Superior y la Fundación Universitaria, conceden anualmente los Honorary Degree, máximo galardón, que se otorga a las personalidades del ámbito de la investigación y la esfera académica, social, cultural y política tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.   Entre las personalidades destacadas S.M. Don Juan Carlos I, Rey de España, Excmo. Sr. D. José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero, Presidente del Gobierno o el Excmo. Sr. D. Artur Mas i Gavarró, Presidente de la Generalitat de Catalunya, D. Ferran Martínez, deportista de élite y actual Director de la Banca Privada BS Sports & Entertainment del Banco Sabadell o el Profesor D. Sam Black, Investigador científico, condecorado por S.M. la Reina de Inglaterra. El Excmo. Sr. D. Mariano Rajoy, recibió el Honorary Degree en el año 2003, como Vicepresidente Primero del Gobierno y Ministro del Interior.

Mariano Rajoy H. D. de ESERP

Mariano Rajoy, Honorary Degree of ESERP Barcelona School of Business and Social Sciences, was elected President of Spain in the General Elections held last 20th November 2011.

ESERP Barcelona School of Business and Social Sciences takes pleasure in congratulating Mr. Mariano Rajoy, for his election as the next President of the Government of Spain, in the general elections held last Sunday, 20th November. This College and the University Foundation annually awarded the Honorary Degree, the highest award given to the personalities in the research and academic, social, cultural and political fields, in the national and international spheres. Among these personalities, his Majesty Don Juan Carlos I, King of Spain, Mr. José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero, President of the Government or Mr. Artur Mas Gavarró, President of the Catalonian Government, Mr. Ferran Martínez, a top-class sportsman and current Director of the Private Bank BS Sports & Entertainment of Bank of Sabadell or Professor D. Sam Black, research scientist, decorated by H.M. the Queen of England and Mr. Mariano Rajoy, who received the Honorary Degree on 2003 as the First Vice-president of the Spanish Government and also as the Internal Government Minister.

Mariano Rajoy H. D. de ESERP